DeftEdge evaluation report on UN Road Safety Trust Fund is now available here. For a short 2-page evaluation brief, click here.

The report makes four important recommendations for the Fund to scale up its operations and impact:

Recommendation 1: UNRSF needs to actively promote synergistic collaboration across various participating UN agencies as the means to developing a distinctive competitive advantage. PUNOS should be encouraged and incentivized to develop joint project proposals with a view not only to leverage unique expertise of participating UN agencies, but also to foster innovative solutions to intractable road safety challenges facing many Member States. In the long run, it should focus on developing a tight-knit PUNOS network to foster high collaboration and impactful work.

Recommendation 2: UNRSF should consider “Fit-for-purpose” governance systems. It should merge steering committee and advisory board both for reducing governance-related workload on the secretariat and increasing shared understanding among various stakeholder groups.

Recommendation 3: UNRSF needs to establish systematic mechanisms and tools for operationalizing a results-based monitoring and reporting systems. These mechanisms should also collect data specific to gender and vulnerable populations dimensions. When a PUNOS network is operational, UNRSF should consider using the network for promoting knowledge management/ organizational learning role of the secretariat.

Recommendation 4: Scaling up should be the topmost priority for UNRSF. As soon as UNRSF has put in place the right strategy, systems to develop collaborative solutions and demonstrate results, UNRSF secretariat should ramp up its fundraising efforts. To this end, UNRSF may need to invest upfront in hiring expert fundraisers with experience in raising funds from innovative sources.

For more information, click on the report links above. Or contact: [email protected]