
Midterm Evaluation of Growing Together! Project

Sector: Education

Client: Handicap International

Geography: Global

Date: March, 2019

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DeftEdge helps ensure organizations meet ethical standards and objectives on a range of issues, such as economically empowering women and refugees through access to finance and markets and mitigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. (WFP, FAO, Pact, ActionAid, UNHCR livelihoods partners)

This project focused on providing opportunities for vulnerable children (both with and without disabilities) in refugee camps and displacement settings to acquire early childhood and/or primary education and rehabilitation support while also developing their social skills through arts, games, sports, clubs and cultural activities. DE conducted the Growing Together! Project’s mid-term evaluation in remote and conservative cultural contexts of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Thailand. For the Growing Together! Project evaluation, DE formed a culturally diverse and gender-balanced team and used participatory and child- friendly methods to collect data while ensuring adherence to international child rights protection laws and conventions. This included 53 key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with 194 parents of children 0-5 and 261 children ages 6-12. DE worked closely with the client to prepare and disburse to field teams an adequate budget to account for uncertainties and changes in field logistics and to integrate enhanced security measures for travel in line with organizational policies. The evaluation team leader travelled to each country to conduct trainings; and where delays were experienced with visa processing in Pakistan, DE quickly mobilized a national consultant to provide training to enumerators, oversee data collection, and conduct interviews with national stakeholders. In each country, the evaluation team received a security briefing and appropriate identification prior to data collection in camps and displacement areas, and routinely registered and coordinated movements in the field.