
Compendium of Good Practices for Measuring Results in Counter-Terrorism and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism

Sector: Conflict, Crime prevention, and Security

Client: UNOCT

Geography: Global

Date: June, 2023

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DeftEdge helps ensure organizations meet ethical standards and objectives on a range of issues, such as economically empowering women and refugees through access to finance and markets and mitigating the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities. (WFP, FAO, Pact, ActionAid, UNHCR livelihoods partners)

A DE Associate was part of the team that developed the Compendium of Good Practices for Measuring Results in CT/PCVE. This collaborative effort between diverse institutions within the European Union and United Nations system included an extensive literature review and a series of online and in-person consultations with Member States and practitioners. The document includes chapters on the integration of gender, human rights, and inclusivity and was launched at a side event of the UN Counter-Terrorism Week in June 2023.