
Independent mid-term evaluation of the European Commission’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) Multi-Country Action Programme 2017: Support to the Western Balkans Counter-Serious Crime Initiative (WBCSCi)

Sector: Conflict, Crime prevention, and Security

Client: UNODC

Geography: Europe and Central Asia

Date: February, 2019

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In the context of the negotiations for accession of the different jurisdictions in the Western Balkans to the European Union (EU) , and the changing criminal landscape in the region, the WB Counter-Serious Crime Initiative (WBCSCi) was launched as one of three pillars under the aegis of the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG) mechanism in 2017 by the Ministers of Interior/Security of the Western Balkans (IISG Board). The immediate goal of the IISG is to integrate EU and international assistance in the three prominent areas of internal security, to reduce duplications of action among the existing and planned efforts of various actors, and to maximise the efficiency of achieving jointly agreed priorities. This is expected to lead to reduction in serious organized crime.

This formative evaluation was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of IISG’s pillar II (WBCSCi), in relation to the overall IISG, including all its activities, outputs and outcomes as well as its strategy and structure for the period 2016 to October 2018.